Sunday, October 23, 2016

Select and register to an English boarding school

Select and register to an English boarding school

Girl in uniform looking at a laptop at Kent College in Canterbury
choosing a school

When choosing a school, you may want to ask questions to yourself like:

Whether school is in a safe area and fun?
Is there a fee? Any covered such costs and any additional fees should I pay?
Does the school have a good performance in the exam results and government inspections?
Is the school a warm and friendly atmosphere?
Is nice amenities?
Does the school have a strong pastoral care procedures?
Does the school offer what I needed related subjects and activities?
Inspection and performance

In order to teach students, the English schools must meet strict quality standards set by the UK government and other educational bodies. These standards include the quality of teaching, accommodation, student welfare, amenities, and more.

To determine whether schools meet these standards, they are inspected at least every three years to the dorm, and six for education. For both of them, among the scheduled visit, the inspection body will respond to complaints if necessary.

Upon inspection, the school received a report that shows how their performance. You can view these reports on the school website, or by contacting the relevant inspection bodies below:

English: Office of Standards of Education (Ofsted)
Scotland: Inspectorate of Education in Scotland
Wales: Estyn, the Inspectorate of Education and Training in Wales
Northern Ireland: Inspectorate of Education and Training Northern Ireland
The entire region: Inspection of Independent Schools (ISI)
The entire region: the Inspectorate of Schools Liaison
The entire region: Inspection Service School
Each school must publish the results of student test them on their website. Most of the sites listed below are also publishing information on exam results and academic achievement.

Looking for school

At the Education UK website, you can search many English boarding school. Simply by selecting a boarding school by using the tool Find your English education at the top of the page and start searching! Use the filters to narrow down the choices based on the type of residence, age range, the requirements of the diet, or religious traditions.

Education UK website just make a list of boarding school, but not all (we're working!). Another place to look is the renowned school web sites below:

Association of Boarding Schools
State Boarding Schools Association
Sign up school

Demand for the English boarding school vary from one school to another. For the most popular schools might need to sign up to the previous three years -see web site of each school. Generally, you need to sign a year earlier if possible, but if you have to leave it later remains viable asked - just email or call the registration office at the school you're interested.

The best thing is to start in September (at the start of the academic year in the UK), so you can start at the same time with the local students. Thus, you will find the 'new' together and it will be easier to settle.

However, do not worry if you can not sign up ahead of time or start of September - some schools are very flexible.

For school dormitory independent , you normally have to apply directly to the school. Visit the school's website or read their prospectus, then contact them for details on how to register.
For school dormitory country , registration is usually managed by the local government authority (or, in Northern Ireland, by the board of education and local school libraries). You can find out more about the country boarding school here .
Can I visit the school before signing up?

Every English boarding school has a unique ambience and facilities. If you can, be a good idea to visit the school you're interested in before you sign up.

Almost all schools organize 'open days' - is often held in the fall (September, October, and November) but there may be more at other times throughout the year. On these days, you can meet the teachers and other staff, look around the school, visiting local villages and towns, and meet other students.

In some schools, you can even spend the night in the hostel and take part in 'taster day' class before you sign up. Talk to the principal about this.

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