Thursday, October 20, 2016

1000 Master's and KFC Push Education Quality in Rural NTT

1000 Master's and KFC Push Education Quality in Rural NTT

1000 Master's and KFC Push Education Quality in Rural NTT

CONDITIONS education of some residents of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) are still a concern to encourage volunteers to undertake social action. A program called Smart Center Project was held in order to help improve the quality of education the interior of the province.

Communities are 1,000 teachers working with PT Past Food Indonesia Tbk who hold such activities.

Teachers are 1,000 community volunteers in the education community who initiated and implemented programs to improve the quality of education in rural areas. While PT Past Food Indonesia Tbk is a holder of the brand Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in Indonesia.

In the program, a community of 1,000 Master's and KFC hold a pilot project, one of whom taught in two primary schools in two primary schools in the interior NTT, Friday (21/10) to Sunday (23/10).

Founder of the Community of 1,000 Master Jemi Ngadiono that lead directly the activity said teaching activities held at two elementary schools, SDN Koffie in the village of the District Koffie Koffie and SDN GMIT Bottie in Boti village, Kie Subdistrict, Regency of South Central Timor, NTT.

Koffie can be reached by car less than an hour from the east NTT provincial capital, Kupang. While Boti is about 2 hours from the southeast city of Kupang.

The area in the village of Boti apart by car, should also be achieved by using a motorcycle crossing the trail in the interior of South Central Timor, NTT.

NTT teaching activities in the interior, according to Jemi, carried out by 12 volunteers 1,000 teachers who mostly come from Jakarta and others from Kupang.

The 12 volunteers come from educational backgrounds and professions vary.

"There is a daily profession is a teacher, but most of the educational and professional background assortment," said Jemi in Kupang, Friday (21/10).

As students in the program are approximately 250 students at two elementary schools, among others selected on consideration of the remoteness and the level of amenities and facilities and inadequate educational infrastructure.

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