3.1. Research Design
This study used the quantitative and qualitative methods, since this study was intended to identify and analyze the students‟ works to find the error made by them. Qualitative methodologies refer to the research procedures which produce descriptive data: people‟s own written or spoken words and behaviors (Bogdan and Taylor, 1975: 4), while the quantitative method was used to identify the students‟ work.
The discussion of the research design includes the selection of the main data source in the form of students‟ work concerning the problems of the students in forming the English passive voice, the research instrument, method and technique of collecting the required data, method and techniques of analyzing the obtained data, and method and techniques of presenting the analyzing data.
3.2. Data Source
The data source used in this research was the students‟ works as the result of the test conducted after the lecturing process about the English passive voice. Then the students‟ works were collected. Then the data in this study were analyzed to find out the problems of the students in forming the English passive voice. There were 20 students as sample. They were taking the English lesson at that time. These students‟ works were chosen because there were many errors in their works.
The data collected in this research were quantitative data. The quantitative data are any data that are in numerical form such as statistics, percentage and many more. Particularly, in this study, the quantitative data were obtained from the result of the students‟ works in the forms of table and percentage.
3.3. Research Instruments
The other important thing in doing this study was the instrument. Instrument is the device used in collecting the data of the study. In this study, the instrument were the test and note.
Ø Test
The test was conducted one week after the lecturing process. This test was used as the document of the students‟ works analyzed in this study. The data were analyzed to find the problems and the error made by students in forming the English passive voice.
Ø Note
Based on the type of data collected in order to find the problems of the students in forming English passive voice, the technique of documentation was chosen. This technique was taking note for the errors found from the students‟ works.
1.1.Scope And Limitation
Ø The researcher limits the discussing of the study about, “out the analysis of the students’ problem in using English passive voice For the tenth grade of MAN Rejoso Peterongan Jombang.”.Because the researcher find, the effective method to teach using English passive voice. Especially for The Tenth Grade Of Man rejoso peterongan jombang.
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