Sunday, October 23, 2016

Want to Study in the UK? Consider the experience of Maudy Ayunda, Gita Gutawa, and Vidi Aldiano

Want to Study in the UK? Consider the experience of Maudy Ayunda, Gita Gutawa, and Vidi Aldiano

Equally famous singer homeland, equally tried acting, both have a lot of fans, equally successful study in the UK. Widih, three top celebrity is indeed very!

Maudy Ayunda 
Lecture at: University of Oxford, England 
High School: British International School (BIS), Bintaro
International High School

During high school, celebrity who has a full name Ayunda Maudya Faza have decided to move to British International School (BIS) because the protagonist of the film Paper Boat is indeed intend to further study abroad.

maudy ayunda lecture
Weve if you want to study in foreign universities have to go to school "Caucasian" BIS kayak so, huh?

Not exactly, anyway. Child domestic private schools or public schools can continue to study abroad, really. However, international schools like BIS certainly more in sync with universities abroad, because the curriculum has been "in line". Automatic, international schools "simplify" the students who want to further study abroad, while students from national schools may have to take additional tests first.

Columbia University vs University of Oxford
High school graduation, Maudy keterima at Columbia University, a famous university in America. Uh, after that do'i dapet news that his name has also qualified as a prospective student University of Oxford, England. Geez! Definitely upset-upset-happy really, tuh.

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Finally Maudy steady select a lecture at the University of Oxford, Department of Philosophy, Politics and Economics , although now he is only focusing on the Politics and Economics wrote.
"Initially, the list was not confident in Oxford, because it is not easy to get in there. Pas keterima, I'm happy really, "said Maudy at an event talk show.
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Imagine, anyway, because the number of university applicants that there are about 18,000 people, while received only about 3,000an. Wow!

Because affairs work, Maudy often pacing Jakarta-Oxford. As a result, college road, but Maudy remain in films each year. In fact, last April, Maudy time-sempatnya released a new album titled Moments .
Last October, a student born in December 19, 1994 is baruuu wrote back to Oxford after a "holiday" for three months in Indonesia. What are you doing instead? Well , "vacation" Maudy version, anyway, is filled with the promotion of the album and ... internship in the office. Warbiyasak! Maudy also had stints state, that accompany the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, who visited Indonesia last July. Busy yes, neng?

maudy ayunda lecture
Wefie used the same Mister Prime Minister, "Say, Inggrisss!"
If all goes well, the plan Maudy will be graduating from college next year. Beuh, the type of girl like this, ya can be messed up. Messed up the hearts of men, that is. Lol.

Gita Gutawa 
Lecture at: University of Birmingham, England and the London School of Economics (LSE), English 
High School: Bina Nusantara Simprug, Jakarta
Champion Of High School
Here's the kicker, anyway? While still in high school Bina Nusantara Simprug, Gita Gutawa successfully become the overall champion and entered in the top GPA students , you know. Great! The singer is typical with soprannya sound is also active in student organizations. All that he lived in unison with the multitude of his work in the world of entertainment .
gita lecture gutawa
In addition to the value , organizational experience and the experience of participating in various extracurricular activities during high school can indeed be an additional point when we are applying to college, especially for overseas university. At least , this is evident in the Gita.
What about the experience with the former? If it does, throw far-far , alias throw away wrote, yes !
Realizing the Dream School in the UK
"Study in UK was my dream since childhood," said the eldest daughter of composer Erwin Velasquez this. Do not want just a dream, Gita was trying to realize her dream since high school, for example by hunting schools abroad and find out the conditions that can penetrate into the various universities dreams.

Tips from the Gita, "Decide first university and the department that interests you, then learn the terms, because of the requirements of each department can be varies. Then, try to accomplish that, "said the singer who has released four albums and won Best Album and Best Newcomer at the event Anugrah Musik Indonesia.

Which is no less important, according to the Gita, is mastering the language. "I happen to English language lessons since elementary school and has also been used to speaking English in Smaku. But it can also download additional language classes, so smoothly, "he said. Okay!

The result? Do'i sakseis keterima in the Department of Economics at the University of Birmingham, England.

further S2
As Maudy, when a college student, Gita fixed-college Gaspol smoothly, any career path continues. Between the UK and Indonesia as well! Duh, nominated tired running lecture (in English) and career (in Indonesia) at the same time, it seems to me instantly want to use the patch.

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But Gita Gutawa weve really topnotch. The proof, a girl who had never held a single concert and have successfully passed the scholarship S2 at the London School of Economics (LSE). Already passed anyway!

Whaaat ?!
Yep, Gita S2 has completed college and are awaiting the results of its value. Weve, anyway, one of the advantages of the school in the UK is a period of study; S1 can be reached within three years while S2 in just one year . Cepet can pass, work, then married, then? Hooray!
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Happy fitting graduation S1 and S2 will shortly be graduation. When to catch up, bro? #jleb!
Vidi Aldiano 
University: Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Tangerang and the University of Manchester, England 
High School: Al-Azhar 1, Jakarta
Geek and Love PR
"Education is very important! I love learning and geek really! Like really the same thing as lectures, going to class, dapet PR, kerjain tasks, and study groups, "said Vidi Aldiano respond to questions of his fans .
Education is important, yes , agree! But love can PR? Gleg! No wonder that the singer and the producer can graduate cum laude in 3.5 years from the Department of Management Universitas Pelita Harapan, though busy with his music career.
Eh, but player musical series Stereo emang real fond of learning, you know. Even as a child, a guy who could deepen the music through the summer course in Barklee School of Music in Boston , the United States, schools should aspire to minimal S2.

Active Learning To Sign S2
The grounds to expand its network, Vidi intend to further study in the UK. With effort, finally came true intentions Vidi. "After studying GMAT, study English and Mathematics, I finally accepted at the University of Manchester! Though the test is really hard! "Said Vidi vigorously.

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FYI, GMAT exam is an international standard used for admission S2 MBA program. So, since September 2013, official Vidi majoring in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship , University of Manchester. 
As Maudy and Gita, every public lecture, Vidi certainly return to Indonesia to pursue employment alias deposit.

subscriptions Cumlaude
Not just college S1 is successfully concluded with a resounding, Vidi also successfully pass S2 with honors cum laude . Duile, hobby so! But seriously , this is what children eat, anyway? Pinternya, really, really use! 

Yes, dream BIG!
Reportedly, the owner of a clothing line VA is willing to further Apparel S3, but not in the near future. Wih, go Vidi ! As leaked, Vadi Akbar , Vidi brother who also became a singer, now again enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia majoring in Electrical and intend to follow the footsteps of his brother continued studying in the UK.

Salut and awe really, yes, if you see celebrity who like this kayak. Envious too, heck, dickite. Many, deng, lol. Success continues ya, bro-sis. Take-take a trip to England

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