Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Understanding Education and Education Definition According to experts

Understanding Education and Education Definition According to experts

Understanding Education and Education Definition According to experts

Education is an important part of life that is at once distinguishes humans from other living beings. Animals also learn but rather is determined by his instincts. While human life using a mind that has in every behave. In essence, education is a human effort to improve the knowledge, gained from both formal and informal institutions.

Before further discussing the ins and outs of education, it helps us know in advance about boundaries or sense of education. With a full understanding, we will more easily enter discussions more in education.

According to Big Indonesian Dictionary (1991: 232), education is derived from the word "student", and given the prefix of the word "me" sehinggan to "educate" yangartinya nurture and exercise. in memeliahara and provide needed exercise their teachings, and leadership demands of the character and intelligence of thought. Some understanding of education, which are as follows:

Understanding Education by Experts

1. John Dewey.
Education is the process of establishing fundamental abilities intellectually, emotionally toward nature and fellow humans

2. M.J. Longeveled
Education is a business, influence, protection and assistance given to children glued to maturity, or rather help anaka so quite capably carry out the duties of his own life.

3. Thompson
Education is the influence of environment on individuals to make changes that remain in the behavioral habits, mind and nature.

4. Frederick J. Mc Donald
Education is a process or activity that is directed to change the character (behavior) of man.

5. H. Horne
Education is a continuous process of adjustment develop physically and mentally conscious and free to the Lord.

6. J.J. Russeau
Education is a debriefing that does not exist at the time of the children, but needed in adulthood.

7. Ki Hajar Dewantara
Education is an effort to advance the character, mind, and physical child in order to promote the fullness of life that life and turn the child in harmony with nature and masyarakatnya.s

8. Ahmad D. Marimba
Education is a conscious guidance by the educator to the development of the physical and spiritual well-educated towards the establishment of a major personality.

9. Insan Kamil
Education is a systematic conscious effort to develop the existing potentials in man to be whole human beings.

10. Ivan Illc
Education is a learning experience that takes place in every neighborhood and throughout life.

11. Edgar Dalle
Education is a conscious effort made by the family, community, and government through the activities of guidance, instruction, and training, which took place in the school and outside the school lifelong to prepare learners to be playing a role in a variety of environmental fixed for the future come.

12. Hartoto
Education is a conscious effort, planned, systematic, and continuous in an effort to humanize humans.

13. Ngalim Purwanto
Education is all matters of adults in interaction with children for physical and spiritual development leads to maturity.

14. Driakara
Education is a young man or appointment humanize humans.

15. W.P. Napitulu
Education is an activity that is conscious, organized, and planned in the aim of changing behavior in the desired direction.
Definition According to the Education Act and the Guidelines

16. Law No. 2 1989
Education is a conscious effort to prepare students through guidance, instruction, and training for its role in the future.

17. Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System
Education is a conscious effort planned to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and the skills required from him, society, nation and state.

18. The Guidelines
Education is a conscious effort to develop the personality and ability inside and outside of school and lasts a lifetime.
From some education above, basically understanding of education presented have in common is a conscious effort, planned, systematic, ongoing, and go on to maturity.

The concept of Educating, Teaching and Learning
There is a fundamental difference between educating and teaching, some people may be trapped between the definitions educate by teaching. In fact, there is a fundamental difference between the two. Teaching is a technical activity everyday life of a teacher. All the teachers to teach the preparation of a technical nature. The result can also be measured with instruments that are verbalistis behavioral changes. Not all education is learning, not all of the learning is education. The difference between educating and teaching is very thin, it can simply be said to be a good teaching is to educate. In other words, educating can use the teaching process as a means to achieve maximum results in achieving educational goals

Educating more activities are framed medium term or long term. The results of education can not be seen in the near future or in an instant. Education is an integrative activity if the thought, though the taste, and if the initiative in synergy with the development of learners' levels of reasoning.

Teaching followed by learning activities synergistically so that the material presented can improve the knowledge of science, the growth of skills and generate peru materials mental attitude / personality, in accordance with the values ​​of absolute values ​​and relative prevailing in the society and the nation for children students are educating activities. Educating weight is the formation of a mental attitude / personality for students, teaching its weight is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and expertise that lasts for all men at all ages. Example of a math teacher to teach the smart kid count, but the child is not calculated in every action, the activities of the teacher is merely teaching has not educate.

The terms of teaching, educating can be distinguished but difficult to be separated.
Teaching is more emphasis on the mastery of specific knowledge, while educating more emphasis on human formation (planting attitudes and values).

Learning is a protégé effort to improve cognitive, affective and psychomotor to achieve the desired objectives.

3. Definition of Boundaries and Limits Beginning End Process
Limit the possibility of educated determined by the limitations inherent potential defects caused by severe physical spiritual. According to Langeveld, the lower limit (initial) or when ready to acquire education is when the child is able to accept and recognize the authority of educators. Looked at the age of 3.5 years and clearly visible at the age of 5 years. When students are able to receive and recognize the authority of educators with sincerity and self-awareness which marks the beginning of the real education, because students really - really aware that what is being taught and conducted education is simply - an eye for his own benefit. According to Langeveld, the past is past preliminary study in which children only comply, imitate their parents in a particular behavior, and is not directly linked to the purpose pembendtukan adult personal discretion. Furthermore Langelveld said, that someone had graduated when have reached adult personal discretion.

From infancy until the establishment of private morality protégé continued to receive help and guidance from educators, and after completing his education there was no bond between educators and students. Protégé itself will continue to enhance the current pad life but - given moment can only receive education to enhance her personality. Therefore, education can last a lifetime.

4. Lifelong Education
Life long education tend to see education as the activities of life in the community to achieve full human embodiment that runs constantly as though there is no limit to death. This means that education is not only important for children (usually considered to be unprepared socially and perform the role of adult society), but is also important for adults as well as parents in order to achieve full human perkemmbangan.

That man is a creature that grows and develops. He wants to achieve an optimal life. As long as humans barusaha to improve their lives, both in enhancing and developing knowledge, personality, and skills, consciously or unconsciously, then during that education still continues.
"Seeking knowledge is a duty of every Muslim and muslimat. Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. There is no practice of the people is more important than learning ".

5. Education as a Science
Education merupkan one important factor that can be used to realize the talent that brought humans from birth (the talent, the theory of convergence), so that the man has skills that can be used to feed herself (profession). When all people have the skills that are useful, can be expected to emerge a dynamic society, effective and last produktif.sasaran of society as it is the achievement of the ideals of the nation under the terms of the Preamble of the Constitution of 1945 paragraph 4, paragraph 1, namely "... promote the general welfare and the intellectual life of the nation ". Welfare of individuals through income earned, while income can be achieved when people have the skills of educational outcomes.

Studies are: - knowledge that has been substantiated
- Discussing about the things that can be observed (observabel)

6. Object of Education
• Protege
• Educators
• Education Material
• Education Methodology
• Evaluation of Teaching
• Tools Education
• Surrounding environment
• Purpose of Education

7. Kinds of Education

a. Normative, characterized - basic characteristics / rules in favor of the rules - the basic rule is standard. Example: preserve the national culture by fostering a culture - a culture that is positive area.

b. Descriptive: describes all the learning event with the right / not manipulated from the start who the students what they have been taught to value given must be true - really describe the acquisition of learning outcomes of children.

c. Theoretically, examines the scientific field extensively (professional) until things - small things - small (atomistic).

d. Practical / applied, the theory - the theory being studied is used to expedite the process of education.

8. Relationship Between Education Sciences Theoretical and Practical
Basically, all science can be divided into two, namely:

a. Pure science: the science that discuss / explore the science itself. In pure science education would seem from their efforts on the theory - the theory of education in (up to elementary level-atomistic)

b. Applied science: He is the efforts to apply the process of life activities (as tools that facilitate life). In the education process using the theory and educational assistance in solving the problem - the problem is no exception education students require pure sciences such as: psokologi, mathematics, biology, to the educational process. So it can be said that science education

can not stand alone.

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